Sunday, December 16, 2012

Behind the scenes....

*Came across a site of compiled, behind the scenes/off-camera photos from the movie.  These haven't been made widely available as best as I can tell. The entire gallery is's a few just to give you an idea:

*check out the rest: >>HERE<<

...and lastly:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

still got more...enjoy!

*please excuse the quality of these gifs. there's a better way to do 'em--i just haven't figured it out yet. leave possible solutions in the comments section if you have any. i'd appreciate it.

*sorry, forgot to include these in the last post about HYANNISPORT:

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Here's a nice Hanson gif set and majestic video

(via readjunkcom)

Now...take a moment to bask in the greatest shift in hockey history barring none. You've seen it a million times before. Watch it again anyway for the raw, comical violence:

"Okay, guys. Show us what you got..."

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Let's deviate from the posters for a moment, and view some clever GIFs and such...




(source unknown. sorry.)

I have no idea how this is made--but, wow... nice work.

                                            "TRADE ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

How great is that?


If you're there in Chicago at The Music Box on the 6th, I'll be the one sporting a shirt based on this GIF:

That's all for now. I'll leave you with this tremendous, lasting image...