Monday, December 3, 2012

Remember "Motivational Posters?"...

This is/was the type of fluffy, positive garbage you might typically find in some ridiculous corporate office, school, or private practice. You catch a glimpse of it, read it...then vomit in your mouth a little.

I thought it might be fun to parody the hell out of them.

So, inspired by the Music Box viewing party on December 6, 2012, this site was conceived in response to those sappy "Go get 'em, Tiger!" abominations... 

...with a Slap Shot bent to them...


**quality reaction**

and finally...

Theoretically, this could have gone on forever. There were some omissions, and I still have some ideas floating around my head...So, this may be it, or it may not. Check back up until the 6th. 

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